This page lists my open source projects. Closed source and commercial projects are here.
I am a member of the WebKit team and have committer status in the WebKit project. I implemented windowless mode and accelerated composition of NPAPI plugins (Flash) for the Qt WebKit port. You can view my contributions here. I co-developed LLQtWebKit to enable Second Life to render Flash in their 3d viewer on Mac, Windows and Linux.
My QtWebKit blog.
Crosswalk is a HTML5 based on chromium. I have owner status in the Crosswalk project’s Android and Mac port.
I am a long time Qt developer and I am an approver in the Qt project (contributions and reviews).
I am the designer and implementer of Qt Style Sheets. I was the developer of Qt’s auto completion framework. I am the author of Qt 4’s GDI paint engine. I was part of the Qt widgets team and as part of the team, I developed various classes including QMessageBox, QLabel, QSizeGrip, QSystemTrayIcon, QStyledItemDelegate. I was part of the team that added support for widgets on the canvas and the next generation layout system (QGraphicsLayout).
I ported Qt to MinGW/MSYS.
I was the release manager for Qt 4.3.x release and some 4.2.x releases.
For Qt5, I added Qt/Device support which involved porting Qt to various devices including raspberry-pi, amlogic 8726M, “animal” boards, broadcom 7425. As part of this effort, I became the maintainer of EGLFS and LinuxFB QPA backends.
My Qt blog is archived here.
Node.js projects
All node.js projects are available through npm.
- UPnP SSDP implementation – Discover and announce services using node.js
- safetydance – Exception safety in node.js
- pgbuild – Automation for
- diwan – CouchDB REST API
QtMediaHub is a completely skinnable 10-foot-ui media player written using QML (Video 1, 2, 3). I am one of the lead developers.
Bedrock is a Qt based library to access git data stores.
Along with Thomas Zander, I designed and revamped the ODT/ODF support in KWord. I added support for lists, sublists, unnumbered paragraphs, list headers among other things.
I am the original author of KDocker (source). KDocker docks any application into the system tray. The project is now developed and maintained by John Schember.
For fun, Johannes and I ported Qt to use libcaca. This work was slashdotted.
I write lots of small programs and examples that I publish as opensource. You can view a complete list at ForwardBias Gitweb and gitorious. Some notable projects:
- cordova-plugin-datagram – Cordova 3.x plugin for sending and receiving UDP messages
- mugshot – Qt/X11 Webcam viewer using XVideo/libv4l2
- img2pdf – Converts a collection images to a single PDF
- npploader – Qt host for NPAPI plugins
- qjsonparser – A LALR JSON parser
- xembedoffscreen – Embedding X11 widgets using off-screen rendering
- Generic URL Creator is a firefox extension to create url’s on the fly from selected text.
- TCP/IP Stack for DOS – I wrote this using odipkt. Unfortunately, I only have the printouts of the source code!