If you want me to speak at your event, please contact me.
Past talks
Introduction to WebKit (Slides)
27 Nov 2012, Web Developer Tools Meetup, Intel, Santa Clara
Qt in Embedded (Slides, Summary)
June 2012, Qt Contributor Summit 2012, Berlin
Qt Quick Best Practices And Design Patterns (Video, Slides)
Oct 2011, Qt Developer Days 2011, Munich
Media Center for MeeGo
May 2011, MeeGo Conference, San Francisco
Why Git? (Slides)
2008, Hyves Developer Meetup, Netherlands
Styling Qt using StyleSheets (Abstract, Slides)
Dec 2007, FOSS.IN, Bangalore
Bringing C++ to Vista (Abstract)
June 20, 2007, Dr. Dobbs Journal, Webinar
Open Document support in KWord2 (Abstract, Slides)
August 2008, Akademy, Sint-Katelijne-Waver
Qt Style Sheets (Slides)
Qt Developer Days 2007, San Jose and Munich
Qt on Windows
Qt Developer Days 2007, San Jose and Munich
Qt IDE integrations
Qt Developer Days 2006, San Jose
Styling Qt widgets using Style Sheets (Video)
Qt Developer Days 2006, San Jose and Munich