CES 2011
I will be attending CES 2011 at Las Vegas. If you would like to meet up informally or to discuss about QML/Qt/WebKit consulting, please send me an mail.
I will be attending CES 2011 at Las Vegas. If you would like to meet up informally or to discuss about QML/Qt/WebKit consulting, please send me an mail.
I have been working on getting Flash working well in Qt/Webkit on the N900. The hard work is done, you can find all patches here.
1. XEmbed support for the Flash on the N900 does not work very well. So, we just force windowless mode on all Flash.
2. Transparent flash is not supported and behaves the […]
Maemo5 PR1.2 for the N900 was released a couple of weeks back. You can see the features and bug list here – the most interesting for me being Qt 4.6.2 is now shipped as part of Maemo and Skype supports video calls and multiuser chat.
There are many tutorials on how to install but they drop […]
I managed to get my hands on the N900 after a long long wait. But the path to getting the device was long and tragic. Here’s the story.
Back at foss.in (Dec 1st week 2009), I heard of a contest held by the Nokia maemo-bangalore team. The sexy 3d pic on the blog got me all […]
Over the past couple of months, I have been working losing sleep over getting Flash to work in QGraphicsView on all platforms. The good news is that flash now works in QGV on all platforms. Yes, that means that not only can QGV display Flash but can also rotate and transform flash when using QGraphicsWebView. IMPORTANT: Flash embedded […]
(A very late update on DevDays 2009 SFO. I am one lazy blogger)
In an unexpected twist of events, I ended up attending Qt Developer Days at SFO. I had just one week to get my visa, flight and hotel bookings in place, so I wasn’t too hopeful. Amazingly, I got my visa interview appointment in […]
Final part of my ~/research cleanup
1. slidelistviewselection – A widget in which item selection moves with animation from one item to another. I made this initially for an embedded device on which itemviews was too heavy.
2. skinnable mediaplayer – An example that shows how to create a skinnable Qt app (see my old blog post).
3. […]
A habit that I picked up from my job at Trolltech was to put all my experimental code in a directory called research. Each project gets its own sub-directory there. We used to also have a similarly named folder in p4 depot and it was totally unmanageable. I wonder what happened to all that code […]
When consulting for Hyves, we wanted a light-weight widget that displays html and animated gifs (for smileys) for the chat client and for tooltips. The option to use Qt/WebKit was out since we intended to create numerous instances of this widget (it consumed lots of memory) and the rendering was not as fast we would like. […]
There are situations where you don’t want text to be selected and images to be dragged in your QWebView (See my previous post). Qt does not provide support out of the box, but this is fairly straightforward to do. I wrote a quick hack to demonstrate, get it here.